Papers Please Wiki

Day 5 is Saturday, November 27th, 1982 in story mode.

Gameplay changes

  • Option to detain suspicious entrants becomes available.
  • The first booth upgrade (hit space to open inspection mode) becomes available at the end of the day.

Rules in effect


  • The first entrant is an Antegrian whose entry permit displays a mismatching passport number. It is possible to detain them after pointing out this contradiction. The inspector will not benefit from detaining the entrant; detaining and rejecting offer the exact same effect on gameplay. Allowing entry will lead to a citation.
  • The third entrant is Vince Lestrade. It is possible to detain him by highlighting his name, his profile, or his picture and connecting it to either headline in the news article taped to the back of the official bulletin.
  • The fifth entrant is a transient from the United Federation. They seemingly hate Arstotzka.
  • The eighth entrant is a male Antegrian. His papers are always valid. Denying his entry makes it impossible to unlock the Antegria token (see the next entrant).
  • The ninth entrant is a female Antegrian who is married to the previous entrant. If her husband was denied entry, she will leave on her own. She is always missing her entry permit. Allowing her entry will lead to a citation but unlocks the Antegria token and the related Steam achievement.


First entrant

After interrogation:

  • Hey wait.
  • Do not arrest me, please.
  • Just deny my passport and I will go away.

Fifth entrant


  • [inspector] What is the purpose of your trip?
  • It is not my choice. I hate this damn country.
  • I am just passing through.
  • [inspector] Duration of stay?
  • As little as possible. 2 days.

Upon approval:

  • Ugh.

Upon denial:

  • Just as well.

The Truth of Arstotzka headlines

  • Republian Track Star Wanted for Murder! Vince Lestrade's Whereabouts Unknown - Has Likely Fled Republia
  • Vince Lestrade: Profile. Girlfriend Killed In Jealous Rage?